Thursday, June 14, 2018

# Lake District Break [2]

by Meow

Here comes the 2nd half of my Lake District sharing.
If you did not read my 1st post, here is the link.

Waking up with a view of roofs 😜

Our itinerary:
1. Take the Red Cruise to have a lake tour from Bowness to Ambleside
2. Walk to the town area and have lunch
3. Visit the Bridge House
4. Tour around Ambleside and take the bus back to Windermere

More information for our trip:
1. Red Cruise: link
2. Bridge House: link

First Stop: Bowness Pier

The view was not as good as the Derwentwater, but it was just the beginning of our trip!

We bought our single tickets at the pier for around £8.50.
Here was the ferry!

Second Stop: Bowness - Ambleside

It was freezing on the boat (especially when the wind struck our faces).
We tried so hard to take as much pictures as possible and our fingers ended up freezing.

Third Stop: Ambleside Pier

After 30 minutes, we arrived the Ambleside Pier!
We were so cold and hungry at that moment so we decided to walk to the town center for a lunch.

The Ambleside Pier has a good view!!

Fourth Stop: Ambleside

We walked our butt to the town center, but most of the restaurants were closed!!
Finally we managed to have a big meal (chili and coffee YAY!!).

Fifth Stop: Bridge House

The last stop before we went back to Windermere was the Bridge House.
I was quite disappointed at the house as it was so small.
It was very cute though 💁

We headed back to the Windermere train station before the night came.
Then we took the train back to Oxford.
I missed the Lake District so much and would like to go back someday.
Maybe hiking next time?

Wish you like my sharing.
See you soon.


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