Sunday, December 27, 2015
# 2015 東京周邊 - 冬遊輕井澤2日1夜 (1)
by Meow
My bf and I went to Tokyo in Feb 2015, and we went to Karuizawa for the snow!!
Going from Tokyo to Karuizawa is very easy, just take JR-east from Tokyo / Oeno station [Click for more information]
本喵在2015年2月和男友一起遊東京, 順道去了輕井澤2天。
出發前都在擔心有沒有雪景, 喵可是一心去看 白色的雲場池呀!!
在東京去輕井澤超容易, 在東京 / 上野站 乘新幹線, 一小時左右就到了!! [按我看 相關資料]

We wore our newly bought Nike trainers!!

On the way to the hotel - Hotel Cypress Karuizawa.
J said it was freaking cold.
男友 J 說凍到pk.

OMG!! The tube in our room!!

Lunch @ Prince Shopping Plaza.
Food quality is quite good.

Although we really wanted to go shopping after lunch, we headed to the Stone Church.
The snow made everything better.
吃飽後我們強忍著血拼的衝動, 出發去 星野溫泉旁的石之教堂。

The Stone Church.
I would like to be married here.
我想在這裡結婚 (男友 J 你識做啦)。

It was already the evening when we headed back to the shopping centre.
The shopping centre was closing at 8pm.
We managed to grab a few stuff before it closed.
回到王子購物廣場已是黃昏, 在它關門 (8pm) 前, 我們掃了一 小堆東西。

Dinner @ Prince Shopping Plaza again.
Then we headed back to our awesome hotel.
100% recommend that hotel, just go and make a reservation!
在王子購物中心的餐廳吃 晚飯。
之後, 我們回到那美好的 酒店~
100% 推薦的 酒店, 你們還不去預約!!

Thanks for watching! More Japan entries coming SOON!!!
感謝收看! 喵正在努力地填我的日本坑啊!
FYI, all the above pictures were taken with my Canon EOS 6D and kit lens 24-105mm F4.
Gros Bisous,
My bf and I went to Tokyo in Feb 2015, and we went to Karuizawa for the snow!!
Going from Tokyo to Karuizawa is very easy, just take JR-east from Tokyo / Oeno station [Click for more information]
本喵在2015年2月和男友一起遊東京, 順道去了輕井澤2天。
出發前都在擔心有沒有雪景, 喵可是一心去看 白色的雲場池呀!!
在東京去輕井澤超容易, 在東京 / 上野站 乘新幹線, 一小時左右就到了!! [按我看 相關資料]

We wore our newly bought Nike trainers!!

On the way to the hotel - Hotel Cypress Karuizawa.
J said it was freaking cold.
男友 J 說凍到pk.

OMG!! The tube in our room!!

Lunch @ Prince Shopping Plaza.
Food quality is quite good.

Although we really wanted to go shopping after lunch, we headed to the Stone Church.
The snow made everything better.
吃飽後我們強忍著血拼的衝動, 出發去 星野溫泉旁的石之教堂。

The Stone Church.
I would like to be married here.
我想在這裡結婚 (男友 J 你識做啦)。

It was already the evening when we headed back to the shopping centre.
The shopping centre was closing at 8pm.
We managed to grab a few stuff before it closed.
回到王子購物廣場已是黃昏, 在它關門 (8pm) 前, 我們掃了一 小堆東西。

Dinner @ Prince Shopping Plaza again.
Then we headed back to our awesome hotel.
100% recommend that hotel, just go and make a reservation!
在王子購物中心的餐廳吃 晚飯。
之後, 我們回到那美好的 酒店~
100% 推薦的 酒店, 你們還不去預約!!

Thanks for watching! More Japan entries coming SOON!!!
感謝收看! 喵正在努力地填我的日本坑啊!
FYI, all the above pictures were taken with my Canon EOS 6D and kit lens 24-105mm F4.
Gros Bisous,

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