Monday, December 21, 2015
# 2014 Trip to UK - Cambridge 大學城一日遊
by Meow
2014 UK Trip Day 10: Colleges / Bridge of Sighs / Afternoon Tea Besides River Cam
2014 年英國之旅第十天: 眾學院 / 嘆息橋 / 康河畔的下午茶
Still have 1 more post to go for my UK Trip 2014; hopefully can finish it before 2016 XD
Today, my sharing is about my one day trip to Cambridge.
Cambridge is a classy city; peaceful and energetic.
I feel like I am a college student again T.T
We visited various colleges;
I cannot define the college names on the pics after a year; they should be King's / St. John's / Trinity.
英國遊的系列尚有最後一編!! 希望能在2016年前完成 XD
劍橋的建築風是很經典的英倫風; 寧靜又又活力!!
走在大學城裡, 我就像重新成為大學生一樣!!!
我們參觀了眾多個學院, 只是事隔一年, 我已忘了那張圖是哪個學院了!!!

Here is a stone of the quotes from the poet Xu Zhimo~~

Xu Zhimo said he was willing to be a weed in the River Cam.
Such nice river and view!!
徐志摩曰: 在康河的柔波裡, 我甘心做一條水草!

Bridge of Sighs...
Sorry for not take a picture of the bridge alone~
嘆息橋... 沒有拍特寫, 實在抱歉~

Last but not least...
Our afternoon tea at Double Tree by Hilton.
Pleasant food and view!!
最後, 分享一下我們的下午茶 [連結]

Thanks for watching!
FYI, all the above pictures were taken with my Canon EOS 6D and kit lens 24-105mm F4.
Gros Bisous,
2014 UK Trip Day 10: Colleges / Bridge of Sighs / Afternoon Tea Besides River Cam
2014 年英國之旅第十天: 眾學院 / 嘆息橋 / 康河畔的下午茶
Still have 1 more post to go for my UK Trip 2014; hopefully can finish it before 2016 XD
Today, my sharing is about my one day trip to Cambridge.
Cambridge is a classy city; peaceful and energetic.
I feel like I am a college student again T.T
We visited various colleges;
I cannot define the college names on the pics after a year; they should be King's / St. John's / Trinity.
英國遊的系列尚有最後一編!! 希望能在2016年前完成 XD
劍橋的建築風是很經典的英倫風; 寧靜又又活力!!
走在大學城裡, 我就像重新成為大學生一樣!!!
我們參觀了眾多個學院, 只是事隔一年, 我已忘了那張圖是哪個學院了!!!

Here is a stone of the quotes from the poet Xu Zhimo~~

Xu Zhimo said he was willing to be a weed in the River Cam.
Such nice river and view!!
徐志摩曰: 在康河的柔波裡, 我甘心做一條水草!

Bridge of Sighs...
Sorry for not take a picture of the bridge alone~
嘆息橋... 沒有拍特寫, 實在抱歉~

Last but not least...
Our afternoon tea at Double Tree by Hilton.
Pleasant food and view!!
最後, 分享一下我們的下午茶 [連結]

Thanks for watching!
FYI, all the above pictures were taken with my Canon EOS 6D and kit lens 24-105mm F4.
Gros Bisous,

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