Saturday, May 30, 2015
#東京深夜食乜好 - 磯丸水產
by Meow
I strongly recommend this restaurant - Isomaru Suisan.
This seafood BBQ restaurant is quite famous.
My friend strongly recommend this to us.
This type of restaurant is hardly to be found in Hong Kong.
I had a wonderful experience in it.
這個海鮮燒烤店其實十分有明, 可是孤陋寡聞的喵卻沒有聽過啊!!
實在新奇又好吃!! (喵我是大鄉里, 香港都沒有這麼正的燒烤)
Isomaru Suisan has tons of branches and they open 24 hours.
Although I am no smoker, I do think it would be nice to smoke while enjoying seafood ><
(weird selling point but we cannot do this in Hong Kong)
磯丸水產有很多個分店, 這次喵去的是在新宿的分店。
喵雖然沒有吸煙的習慣, 但這個店內裡是可以吸煙的啊~
一邊吸煙, 一邊吃海鮮是香港享受不到的喇~~ (奇怪的賣點 >v<)

Those seafood were living!!!!
I was quite shocked when they spit out water on the stove.
Cruel but yummy... I swallowed them with a thankful heart.
雖說是很殘忍, 但我們還是懷著感恩的心吃下去...

Scallops, please don't blame me ><
扇貝們別怪我啊 ><

Viola, end of my short sharing today.
Thanks for viewing!!!
謝謝收看 (親一個)!!
FYI, all the above pictures were taken with my Canon EOS 6D and kit lens 24-105mm F4.
Gros Bisous,
I strongly recommend this restaurant - Isomaru Suisan.
This seafood BBQ restaurant is quite famous.
My friend strongly recommend this to us.
This type of restaurant is hardly to be found in Hong Kong.
I had a wonderful experience in it.
這個海鮮燒烤店其實十分有明, 可是孤陋寡聞的喵卻沒有聽過啊!!
實在新奇又好吃!! (喵我是大鄉里, 香港都沒有這麼正的燒烤)
Isomaru Suisan has tons of branches and they open 24 hours.
Although I am no smoker, I do think it would be nice to smoke while enjoying seafood ><
(weird selling point but we cannot do this in Hong Kong)
磯丸水產有很多個分店, 這次喵去的是在新宿的分店。
喵雖然沒有吸煙的習慣, 但這個店內裡是可以吸煙的啊~
一邊吸煙, 一邊吃海鮮是香港享受不到的喇~~ (奇怪的賣點 >v<)

Those seafood were living!!!!
I was quite shocked when they spit out water on the stove.
Cruel but yummy... I swallowed them with a thankful heart.
雖說是很殘忍, 但我們還是懷著感恩的心吃下去...

Scallops, please don't blame me ><
扇貝們別怪我啊 ><

Viola, end of my short sharing today.
Thanks for viewing!!!
謝謝收看 (親一個)!!
FYI, all the above pictures were taken with my Canon EOS 6D and kit lens 24-105mm F4.
Gros Bisous,

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