Saturday, April 18, 2015

# 2015 東京之旅 - 上野, 秋葉原 & Skytree

by Meow

Sharing of my trip to Tokyo @ 2015...
Schedule of the day: Tsukiji -> Ueno -> Akihabara -> Skytree!!
For my Tsukiji sushi sharing, please click here.

Here we came to Ueno.
Ueno is like a long street of shops; all you can do is shopping and SHOPPING!!
I do think medicines and cosmetics are less pricey here than Shinjuku.
If you are planning to go to the Skytree, you should drop by this station.

今天分享的是喵喵我 2015年初的東京旅程。
那天的行程: 築地 -> 上野 -> 秋葉原 -> 晴空塔!
如果你想看我在築地的分享, 請按這裏

在築地吃完壽司後, 我們便出發到上野。
這裏有很多藥妝店, 喵覺的這裏的藥妝店都比新宿那邊便宜。
如果行程裏要去晴空塔的話, 就不妨來上野走走啊~

The street here is called Ameya-Yokochō.
Apart from medicines, cosmetics and clothings, there are some electronics stores as well.
BTW, you must not miss the fruit stores there!!
The fruits there were produced in Japan; AND you know, Japanese fruits are very delicious!!!

阿美橫町這裏有賣藥妝的, 也有賣電器和衣服的。
還有, 這裏的水果店賣的都是日本出產的水果, 很好吃的唷~

Actually, Akihabara was not included in my planning that day,
but I still have some time left before my reservation to the Skytree Tembo Deck.

接下來我們去了秋葉原, 只是本來我就沒有要來這裏喇!

Akihabara is well known for animations and comics goods.
It is not difficult for you to find cosplayers along the streets.

如果你喜歡動漫的話, 你一定比我還要熟悉這裏。

I did not go up to the buildings, but I got into some game stores with my bf.
Here he got tons of video games.

雖然我蠻喜歡動漫的, 但是我對這裏的興趣不大, 反而是我男友買了很多遊戲。

When the night came, we headed to the Skytree.
I do think this is a MUST-GO attraction if you visit Tokyo.
Firstly, you can shop in the Skytree malls;
AND, you can enjoy a beautiful-360° view of Tokyo.

I strongly recommend you reserve you ticket before heading to the tower;
as I could not buy my ticket last time.
However, the reservation website is only available in Japanese, you may need to translate it yourself.
* you need a ticket only if you would like to head up to the tower

晚上來咯! 我們出發到晴空塔看東京的夜景喇!
一來,  你可以血拼,  而且,  你又可以在上空看東京360度的景色。
只是呀,  喵我是強烈建議你們要先在網上訂票。
我上次就是沒訂票,  也就買不到票上去喇 (淚奔)~~
訂票的網頁只有日文的,  去 Google Translate 一下就好喇!

Skytree and the moon.


Here we headed up to the Tembo Deck (350m).
You may go to the Tembo Galleria which much higher (450m).

乘電梯去展望台途中 (350米)。

What a stunning night view!!!!!


Viola, end of my sharing today.
Thanks for viewing!!!

謝謝收看 (鼓掌)!!

FYI, all the above pictures were taken with my Canon EOS 6D and kit lens 24-105mm F4.

Gros Bisous,

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