Sunday, March 29, 2015

# 2013 VS 2015 東京之旅 - 要花時間在築地排隊麼?

by Meow

Putting my UK sharing aside...
Today's topic: Does it worth queuing up in Tsukiji for sushi?
Last time, I queued up 5 hours for Sushi Dai T.T
Although the sushi was REALLY GOOOOOOOOD, it made me super tired afterwards.
SO, on my second visit to Tokyo, I went for an alternative - Iwasa Sushi.

Originally, I aimed for Daiwa Sushi, but the restaurant stopped me from queuing up when I arrived.
It was only 11am and there were so many people queuing up.
Reluctantly, I reached for a random sushi restaurant nearby.
The queue of Iwasa Sushi was not too long, it took me half an hour to get in.
While I was queuing up, my bf went to Shouro and picked me up a pack of Jap-Omelet.

先放下英國的不說, 這一次我們先說東京的。
東京有甚麼好玩的, 大家可以自己去Google, 行程甚麼的我就不說啦~
今天啊, 我們來談一下吃的。

記得上一次去築地, 我和男友就排了五個小時的隊去吃壽司大!!
壽司大啊, 非常的好吃!
上次我們到達築地的時間是早上8點, 下午1點多才輪到我們。
那時候我們都快餓死了, 站了5個小時也太累了, 整天都沒有心情去玩啦...

2015年我們再去築地就選了另外一間壽司, 你們來決定要去壽司大還是吃這個岩佐壽司吧!!
本來計劃是要去吃大和壽司的, 只不過是11點, 店就不准我們排隊喇!!!!!
可惡啊!!!! 去吃別的!!!
在排岩佐壽司的半小時, 男友在附近的松露買了燒玉子, 挺好吃的。

Packed with people outside Iwasa Sushi,
but it was just only a tip of the iceberg of that in front of Sushi Dai!!!

岩佐壽司店外都是人, 但是比起壽司大 / 大和壽司的那邊只是冰山一角!

My bf and I managed to grab a seat in half and hour YAY!!!
My sushi set was ¥3500 and the taste was quite good.
The sashimi was so sweet and fresh (but not as good as that from Sushi Dai).
I can only say the sushi from Sushi Dai was definitely better, and it is the dilemma - 5hrs VS 1.5hrs.

只需要半個小時就有壽司吃囉! YAY!
¥3500 的餐也不貴耶~
總括而言, 和壽司大相比起來這裏的壽司缺了點鮮, 甜味也是有喇!

After my sushi lunch (12:30 pm), the queue outside Sushi Dai / Daiwa Sushi was still terribly long!!
It was really more rational that we saved the time for shopping afterwards!!!!

吃完後出來的時候 (12:30pm), 隊還是像鐵軌那樣長...... (無言)
本來還想說在香港吃貴一點的壽司都可能比較好吃, 看了人龍後呢...
我們還是吃普通好吃的壽司, 多留一點時間去shopping 啦!!!!!!!

Some say the Tsukiji Fish Market is going to be demolished soon, so I took some more pictures.

聽說築地在不久的將來就要拆了, 趁著來了, 就多拍幾張啦~~

On my way to the metro, I bypassed the Hongwanji.

在去地鐵站的路上經過了本願寺, 合照一張!!

FYI, all the above pictures were taken with my Canon EOS 6D and kit lens 24-105mm F4.
Thanks for watching.
Enclosed a photo of a sushi from Sushi Dai (year 2013).

附上2013年的壽司一件 (壽司大出品啊)!

Gros Bisous,

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