Wednesday, March 18, 2015

# 2014 Trip to UK - 牛津, 尋找哈利波特 + Outlet ♥

by Meow

2014 UK Trip Day 5-6: Oxford - Bicester Village / Christ Church
2014 年英國之旅第五, 六天: 牛津 - 比斯特購物村 / 基督堂學院

Oxford!! One of the site we looked forward to was the Bicester Village.
After we drop our luggage to the host (AirBnb), we took the bus to Bicester.
Going there is easy, simply take the S5 / X5 bus in the city center will do.

牛津!! 那裡有一個讓我們期待已久的outlet - 比斯特購物村
要去那裡並不難, 乘 S5 或 X5 巴士就好喇!! (點我看巴士網站)

We have a lot of Brands here, price fair.
Like my Prada wallet, HKD$26xx, great deal, right?
Other brands that enlarge my iris: Ralph Lauren, Le Creuset... I bought a ton!

這裡有很多名店的outlet, 價錢也不太貴, 尤其是 Prada, 一個錢包也只是港幣$26xx ♥ (敗!)
Ralph Lauren? 敗!!
LE CREUSET? 敗敗敗敗敗敗敗!!!!!!!! (我是師奶 XD)
我們由天亮買到天黑, 民宿的屋主也有來問我們會否買太多 XD

After we put our shopping bags to our host, we popped into a random restaurant nearby...
Luckily, the restaurant was INCREDIBLY GOOD!!
The name of the restaurant is Loch Fyne; which the price of food is fair.

把一包包的丟回民宿後, 我們便到附近的餐廳吃晚餐。
話說, 我們沒有做好功課, 只是看見哪個餐廳價格合理便闖進去...
幸運的是, 這個餐廳的菜很好吃!!! (點我看Loch Fyne餐廳網站)

Day 6, we tour around Oxford.
By the time we woke up, it was 2°C...
Even I wore jeans, I felt like my legs were naked ><
This is the entrance of the Christ Church.
It cost us £7 to get in.

第六天, 我們在大學城周圍遊覽。
起床的時候, 溫度只有兩度...
即使穿了牛仔褲, 我還是覺得自己是光著下半身 ><
這是基督堂學院的入口, 入埸費盛惠7鎊。

That's what the school / church looks like after we pay the entrance fee.
The weather was really dramatic in the UK.


If you are a Harry Potter's fan, you must feel this place familiar.
It is not as big as shown in the movie.

假若你是哈利波特的粉絲, 你對這裡一定不感到陌生。

The church of the school is also magnificent.


The last stop inside the Christ Church was the gift shop.
We did not pick up anything, we just took photos with the lovely owl plushie.

基督堂學院內最後一站: 紀念品店!!
我們沒有買什麼, 只是拿了貓頭鷹玩具來拍照。

Haha, the owl was so confusing >v<

這隻貓頭鷹為什麼會一臉迷惘的樣子 >v<

We left the church and tour around.


The street was so crowded.
The buildings were old and there were a lot of fashion shops on the ground floor.

建築都很舊, 但是地面有很多時尚的店。

The Carfax Tower.

Later in the night, we went to Jamie's Italian for dinner.
It is kinda famous in Hong Kong as we can see long queue in front of the restaurant.
In Oxford, we can easily reserve our table online, YAY!
Food is quite good and price is fair.

那天晚上, 我們去了Jamie's Italian 吃晚餐。
這餐廳在香港挺出名, 每天都有一大群人慕名而來。
在牛津, 我們很容易就訂了桌子, YAY!

End of my sharing in Oxford.
We headed to Windsor the next day.
Stay tuned for my next update.


Thanks for reading =]
FYI, all the pictures above were taken with my Canon EOS 6D and kit lens 24-105mm F4.

Gros Bisous,

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