Sunday, February 01, 2015

# Weekend Project - Ikea "Desktop" Makeover

by Meow

I have been using this Ikea desk for 7 years and the desktop has numerous holes...
It is SO UGLY that I really want to throw the desk away.
To be environment friendly, I decided to remake the desktop.
This task had been pending in my TO-DO list for months...
I really can't tolerate this ugly desktop ><

I bought a roll of transparent plastic-table "cloth" from TaoBao.

Here is my plan!
I measure the dimensions of my desk and draft my design.
After that, I cut out the table cloth according to my desk dimensions.

I have a big canvas left from my previous DIY projects.
I used this to add some personality to my new desktop.
I just stencil my blog name on it.

I put the canvas on my desk then the plastic table cloth.
It just cover all the blemishes of the desk.
I can even slip my photos or inspirations under the table cloth!!

The reason that I don't want to use paint to paint over my desk is that my home is very humid.
Hong Kong is very humid and I just don't want to get mold on my painted desk ><
By using a table cloth to redo my desk, I can always "change the theme" according to my mood~~

I hope you all like my sharing.
I love you all!!
In case you wonder, all pictures were taken with Canon EOS 6D and kit lens 24-105mm F4.

Gros Bisous,

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