Sunday, February 15, 2015

# 2014 Trip to UK - 約克, 斜角巷的感覺

by Meow

2014 UK Trip Day 4: York - Clifford Tower / York Shambles / York Minster
2014 年英國之旅第四天: 約克 - 約克城 / "斜角巷"? / 約克大教堂

It was so tiring to travel early in the morning...
BUT, York really impressed me when I arrived.
There is a castle gate just next to the train station!!

但是, 約克確實給了我一個很好的第一印像。

After we dump all our luggage into the hotel room, we dash to a random restaurant for lunch.

把行李都丟進飯店後, 我和男友立即跑去醫肚!

Heading to Clifford Tower...


The Clifford Tower is tiny and looks like a cake!!

約克城很小很可愛的感覺, 就像蛋糕一樣!!

The entrance fee was not cheap, it cost me £4.80!!
Especially we could finish touring the whole tower in 15 mins!!

入場費並不便宜, 要4.8鎊!!

After visiting the tower, we went to the Shambles.
For the fans of Hairy Potter, you must think this looks so alike to the "Diagon Alley".

參觀完約克塔, 我們便出發到另外一個景點。
看過哈利波特的朋友一定覺得這裡好像斜角巷 ♥

I bought a lot of stuff here XD


The York Minster situated near the Shambles.
I did not go inside as I thought all church looks so alike and I just want to save £15~~
I regret this thought T.T

喵我是沒有進去, 因為我總覺得教堂內裡都是差不多啦, 就是想省下£15~~
現在後悔喇 ><

Tired... coffee break~~

累了~ 喝杯咖啡~~

Time for dinner!'
We went to Bill's for dinner~
The restaurant is loft-styled and the food is fine!

這天我們去了Bill's 吃晚飯~
餐廳的裝修是loft 風格, 食物也很不錯。

We stayed in York for 1 day only.
We headed to Oxford in the next day.

我們只留了在約克一天, 第二天的早上, 我們又出發去牛津了!

Thanks for reading my short journey to York.
Hope you enjoy my pictures, see you soon!

感謝收看!! 希望你喜歡我的照片。

FYI, all pictures were taken with Canon EOS 6D and kit lens 24-105mm F4.

Gros Bisous,

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