Saturday, November 08, 2014

# 2014 Trip to UK - 阿仙奴與大英博物館

by Meow

2014 UK Trip Day 1: London - Arsenal / British Museum / Oxford Street
2014 年英國之旅第一天: 倫敦 - 阿仙奴 / 大英博物館 / 牛津街

I'd saved all my annual leaves for this journey.
Sure I'd spent a lot of money (around HKD$30000), but I do think it worth.
I am missing UK so much ><

It was late in the night when we arrived London.
After we took some rest, we went to the Arsenal Stadium.
My boyfriend loves the team so much (he just couldn't stop from smiling like an idiot XD)

喵喵我儲了一整年的年假, 就換了這次的旅程。
雖則是花了我$30000港幣, 也是非常即得!!
事隔只不過是一個月, 我已經好想念英國!! T.T

到達倫敦已是夜晚, 睡過後的第一天, 男友和我去了阿仙奴的場館參觀...
據說他是阿仙奴的球迷 ="= (他進去後就不停地傻笑)

The tour is not very expensive (18£ adult).
Of course, you can always use your London Pass to have your free tour.
The stadium is very very neat.
Even I am not a fan of soccer, I think this worth the money.

假若你買了London Pass, 你便可以免費參觀。
場館的一切也很整潔; 即使我不是足球粉絲, 我也覺得這個即得一看。

This is the REAL changing room of the players!!
You can even smell the sweat!!!


After your visit, you can buy your souvenir in the store!
(My idoit boyfriend LOL)

參觀過後, 你還可以在紀念品店購買阿仙奴的精品!
(看我的傻瓜男友 XD)

After the stadium tour, we planned to go to the British Museum.
Before the visit, we ate a ransom fish and chips near our destination.

遊過阿仙奴的場館, 我們便準備出發去大英博物館。
進去大英博物館之前, 我們吃了一個炸魚薯條!

This is the British Museum... soooooo many people ="=
Entry is free and worth the visit!

大英博物館!! 好多人啊!!
英國的博物館大多數都是免費的, 而且展品都是值得一看的啊!

This is what is museum looks like.


These were the ducks which I captured in the souvenir shop.




I had not taken too many photos in the British Museum...
You should see it with your own eye!
Here is what I captured in front of the British Museum!

我都沒有拍太多博物館的內部, 你們自己去參觀啦~~~

Here came the evening...
We went to the shopping district near the museum (Regent Street, Oxford Street...) ♥
Of course I bought I lot!!
My boyfriend bought a t-shirt and a pair of shoes in the Paul Smith Sales Shop.
Price is fair (~£100)...

大英博物館旁就是牛津街和攝政街等等的購物區 ♥
附近有個Paul Smith Sales Shop, 男友敗了T恤和便服鞋 (~100鎊結帳)

The street is beautiful.
There are many H&Ms around XD

還有很多H&M XD

The building with black details is a famous department store - Liberty.
The inside is antique and adorable.
Stuffs are kind of expensive, but worth a visit.

那個黑色屋頂的建築物是個百貨公司 - Liberty
百貨公司的內裡很古典, 只是賣的都很貴喇!

There are soooo many H&M in UK!
One thing which makes it different from HK is that:
Stuffs are reallllly cute ><
I wish there is H&M home in HK.

但是這裡有H&M 家品部, 香港是沒有的!
如果香港也有H&M Home 就好啦~~

End of London Day 1.
Next stop: Edinburgh.
Hope you enjoy my photos ♥

下一站: 愛丁堡。

All pictures were taken with Canon EOS 6D and kit lens 24-105mm F4.

Gros Bisous,

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