Tuesday, October 21, 2014

# AIRBNB Experience Sharing - 使用經驗分享 (1)

by Meow

It had been a while without update; as I stopped buying beauty products T.T
I must save money for my coming trip.
Yes, I am going to the UK at the end of September!!!
While I am preparing for my trip, I want to share a series of my experience on trip preparation.
I hope you don't find the series boring!

有好一陣子沒有更新網誌了, 因為小喵我實在沒有多餘錢去買護膚品了 (淚奔)。
不過, 節省下來的錢將會用作旅行用途!!
在出發之前, 喵我會分享一系列的英國旅遊準備、須知等等;

Today, I am sharing my experience on "AirBnb".
* I am not sponsored, I am just sharing my own experience
If you don't like to stay in hotels / you want to cook / you want to make new friends while you are travelling;
AirBnb can help.
Through this website, we can stay in host families with a reasonable price.
To search suitable bnb(s), you just have to fill in your destination, check in / out time and no. of guests.

利申: 這不是鱔稿, 而是真心分享
出發去英國前, 我在 airbnb 預訂了一系列的民宿。
假若你去旅行不想住在昂貴的飯店 / 想使用廚房 / 想結識異國的新朋友.
airbnb 將會滿足你這三個願望~~
使用程序很簡單, 就是輸入你的目的地 + 入主 / 退房時間 + 入住人數便可。

Here are the results!!
I used Edinburgh as an example and there are tons of bnb choices.
To enter more criteria, you can click the "More Filters" button or choose your acceptable price range.

我輸入了愛丁堡為目的地; 出現了6xx 個合乎條件的民宿。
你還可以選擇價格和按 "More Filters"

I believe you all are smart enough to use these filters...

輸入你的選項, 你懂的...

Here we get our desire results... Just click any listing that you feel comfortable with.

這就是乎合你選項的搜尋結果... 那個藍綠色的房間不錯, 又漂亮!

Here we can click the "Request to Book" button to book the room!
按進去, 我們就可以預約房間了!

Of course, you can talk to the host before you request to book the room.
Just click the "Contact Host" button will do.

當然, 你也可以先和屋主溝通一下。
按"Contact Host" 便可以和屋主對話啊!

My Feelings on AirBnb:
I'd booked 4 different rooms with AirBnb and I really feel the AirBnb system is very convenient.
Hosts normally replied timely and the progresses were very smooth.
I will share my feelings after my UK trip, please look forward to that ^^

網站方便, 使用簡單, 腦殘也會用 >v<
我預約了四個不同的房間, 屋主們的回覆率是100%。
在英國旅行後, 我將會分享更多對AirBnb 的感受, 希望大家喜歡。

Thanks for reading!

Gros Bisous,

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