Saturday, December 06, 2014

# 2014 Trip to UK - 愛丁堡, 一去便愛上 (一)

by Meow

2014 UK Trip Day 2: Edinburgh - Calton Hill / Scott Monument
2014 年英國之旅第二天: 愛丁堡 - 卡爾頓山 / 司各特紀念塔

Early morning on my second day of the UK trip, we left London for Edinburgh!

旅程第二日的早上, 我們從倫敦出發到愛丁堡!

It was a 4 hours journey to Edinburgh!
I was super tired and felt asleep...
My neck pain kills me after I woke up!!!
Here is a snap on the way to my host family.

極累的我當然是全程熟睡, 醒來的那一刻脖子痛死了...

After dumping all our luggage to the BnB, bf and I went to eat!
Random English (Scottish) breakfast.

到民宿放下了行李, 立即和BB去醫肚!

After the meal, we walked to Calton Hiill.

吃飽後, 我們就出發走去卡爾頓山。

Stairs are good for health, but it killed me as I was bearing my full gear ><

儘管爬樓梯對身體有益, 但對於背著整套攝影器材的我卻是個折磨!!

Here we are, on the top of the hill!
There was a Chinese saying: If you want to have a further view, walk upstairs!!

正所謂欲窮千裏目, 更上一層樓!!

OMG!! What a nice view!

我的天呀! 這裡好漂亮!

A snap for the National Monument.
You can even sit on it!!

你可以爬上去, 坐在地臺上。

What a nice view of Edinburgh.


After visiting Calton Hill, we went to shopping in the city center~~

爬完山, 我們去了市中心購物~~

Here we saw the Scott Monument.

這裡, 我們看見司各特紀念塔。

Some random snaps in the old town.


I really like Edinburgh.
Actually, I like the UK.
And I missed the old Hong Kong.

其實, 我也愛英國。
還有, 我懷念以前的香港。

All pictures were taken with Canon EOS 6D and kit lens 24-105mm F4.

Gros Bisous,

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