Thursday, June 12, 2014

# Plants Jamming - Making Your Terrarium

by Meow

Hi there!
Here comes another weekend DIY project.
My friends and I joined a plant jamming class during the weekend in WHICH
we'd created some lovely TERRARIUMS!!
Sweeties, may be you have no idea what is a terrarium, but this has become a trend.

A terrarium is sort of a ecosystem in a glass container.
We put soil, stones and plants in there to simulate the nature.
In other words, it is a "plants aquarium".

Here are the tools we need.
The most important thing is the glass container.
This time, we have a glass ball.

Here are the ingredients for the terrarium...
1. Ceramic beads
2. Charcoal
3. Weeds
4. Soil for succulent and soil for normal plants
5. Plants of your choice, of course XD

My friend Dominic; also the organizer of this weekend activity.

We put the ceramic beads and the soil (for succulent) in the base of the container.
Then, put spoonful of charcoal on the soil.

Cover the soil with a thin layer of damp weeds.
This layer keeps the "environment" moisturize.

Then, we tuck soil (for normal plants) in the ball.

By this time, we can start planting in the terrarium.
Before we put the plant into the soil, we have to clear the soil from the roots.

Okay! Start planting!!
Just dig a little hole on the surface and put the plant in.
Add some more soil to hold the plants in place.
I know this looks a little ugly... but I will make it cuter ><

Here come the mosses.
It is soooooo fluffy ♥

Tuck the mosses on the side of the glass ball and pour the white stones in.
Add my Miffy as a decor.
Viola! C'est fini.

I love my terrarium.
AND here comes some more terrariums from my classmates.

End of my activity report...
FYI, all pictures were taken with my Canon EOS 6D and kit lens 24-105mm F4.
I hope you like my sharing!!

Gros Bisous,

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