Saturday, May 24, 2014

# Weekend Makeover - Drawers Remake

by Meow

Here comes the second part of my makeover project.
Last time I'd stenciled a piece of canvas and this week,
I am going to use the canvas to make something BIG.
(Actually not big... XD)

I have a shelf which I tugged some cardboard drawers in.
This pic was taken with my mobile phone 1 year ago which shows the look of the drawers.

One year later, my drawers were ruin because of my naughty cat \_/
However, remaking the drawers are interesting.
All I did was sticking the canvas to my drawers.
I used some "iron-tapes" to stick my canvas to the drawers.

You can see my drawer before sticking the canvas on.

I used some glue to fix the "iron-tapes" onto the canvas.
Then cover my drawers with the canvas.
After putting the "iron-tapes" onto my drawers, I ironed them.

After ironing the canvas onto the drawers, they glued perfectly together!
Then, I plugged a hole in the center for my knobs.

Viola! Here comes my drawers in a new skin!

I really love the outcome of this DIY and I think my drawers are really CUTE!
FYI, I bought the "iron-tapes" and cardboard drawers from AEON Living Plaza (HKD$12@)
AND the knobs are from Taobao (~RMB$5@).
All materials are not expensive.

Hope you all like my DIY!!

PS: All pictures (except the 1st one) were taken with my Pentax K-30 camera and kit lens.

Gros Bisous,

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