Monday, May 19, 2014

# Travelling with Film - Paris Under Rollei CN200

by Meow

Old pictures taken in Paris 2013.
Film used: Rollei CN200
The film is performing well even under a cloudy day!
這篇就從簡吧, 景點都已經說過一遍了。

Just briefly describing the pictures, as I'd mentioned most of the places in previous posts.
Road to Moulin Rouge...

Random snap...

View from Sacré-Cœur (聖心大教堂).

Random snap...

La Vallée Village...
這是一個outlet 啊! 有興趣血拼的朋友請看這篇...

Random snap...

Random snaps near the cafe - Les Deux Magots...

Louis Vuitton in Champs-Élysées.
[旅客大愛] 香榭麗舍大道。

I found out that I did not talked too much on Champs-Élysées in previous posts.
The road is beautiful and it is the only place you can shop in Paris on a Sunday.
At the end of the road, it is the Arc de Triomphe.
[恍然大悟] 原來之前的篇幅並沒有說太多關於香榭麗舍大道...
以喵喵的觀察, 大部份的巴黎店都會在星期天休息, 只有香榭麗舍的店會營業。
在大道的盡頭, 就是凱旋門了!!

FYI, all these picture were taken with film camera.
Camera body: Ricoh KR-5 Super
Lens: Pentax FA31mm F1.8

I hope you all enjoy my old pictures XP!!

Gros Bisous,

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