Wednesday, April 23, 2014

# Humid Easter @ Cheung Chau

by Meow

It was a short holiday...
I just managed to do a few DIYs and a cafe gathering 
AND a short trip to Cheung Chau (長洲).
It was so so long ago that this island was called Long Island, 
but still better than ChangZhou...
I took a few snapshot and put "filters" on them with Lightroom.

The island looks calm in pictures but it was SO CROWDED in fact.

It was a sunny day that all these shrimps were sunbathing on the net.

Adorable doggie on the road!

Random snap.

Still looks calm.

C'est fini.
FYI, all pictures were taken with my Canon EOS 6D and kit lens 24-105mm F4.
I hope you all like my pictures!

Gros Bisous,

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