Thursday, December 21, 2017

# 10 Things to Do in Shirahama

by Meow

Osaka (大阪) and Kyoto (京都) are the MUST-visit places when you go to Kansai (關西).
We, Hong Kongers expecially love to go to Dotonbori (道頓堀 )in Osaka.
To me, Osaka and Kyoto are just too common to visit;
so last summer, I decided to explore some other towns in Kansai.
Shirahama (白浜) was my choice.

Just a 3 hours journey from the Kansai airport, you will arrive Shirahama.
You can also drop by Wakayama (和歌山)which is between the airport and Shirahama;
and meet Nitama, the cat station master of the Kishigawa Line (貴志川線).
You may refer to my earlier blog post.

Here are my 10 recommendations of what to do in Shirahama:

1. Try Sashimi / Seafood Grill in the Toretore Market (とれとれ市場)
Visiting a fish market is a MUST when you go to Japan.
The Toretore Market is a nice option for a resort town like Shirahama.
Not as crowded like the Kuromon Ichiba Market, you can have more space to walk around and choose your food.
Seafood in the market is fresh and you can choose either to eat them raw (Sashimi) or BBQ them.

2. Watch the Fish Cutting Performance
The Toretore market has Fish Cutting Performance everyday.
It is a fun show to experience the Japanese culture.

3. Visit the Senjojiki (千畳敷) for Remarkable Natural Landscape
Named by the appearance of the rocks there - a thousand tatami mats;
Senjojiki is a natural landscape of sedimentary rocks.
If you are a fan of rocks, this is the place for you!

4. Appreciate the Endless Pacific Ocean View (with Ice-cream YAY!)
Just next to Senjojiki, there are some souvenir stores.
If time allows, feel free to take a seat and order a mandarin-favoured ice-cream.
The endless Pacific Ocean is right in front of you.

5. Explore the Sandanbeki Cave (三段壁)
Another natural landscape in Shirahama.
This one you have to pay for the entrance fee.
The Sandanbeki is a natural-formed cave weathered by the waves.
You can feel the vastness of the sea waves inside the cave.

6. Hang-out with the Kitties
Just outside the Sandanbeki, there lived some adorable kitties.
Most of them are very friendly; some will even lean on you.
Just avoid to disturb them while they are sleeping.

7. Walk along the White Beach
Shirahama is named after its white beach.
It was so unfortunate that it was raining when I was there.
It will be lovely if you can enjoy a sunbath there in the summer.

8. Recharge your Feet with the Footbaths
Just next to the beach, there is a footbath free of charge!
The footbath is filled with nautral spring water and it can instanly recharge your feet after the walk on the beach.
Remember to wash your legs before soaking them in.

9. Enjoy the Sunset near Engetsu Island (円月島)
The Engetsu Island is a small island with a hole in the middle.
It is a famous view that the sun will peek through during sunset.

10. Relax Yourselves in the Hotspring
Shirahama is a resort town famous for hotspings!
I strongly recommend the Kaisyu Hotel (浜千鳥の湯 海舟).
The hotel is luxurious with several beautifully-built hotspings.
The hotel can provide Japanese traditional Kaiseki cuisine (懷石料理) as your dinner.
Rooms are traditional, clean and snuggly.
What a wonderful stay!!

I really hope you enjoy my top 10 activities recommendations in Shirahama.
I will try my best to write more blog post in the comming year.


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