Tuesday, August 04, 2015
# 2014 Trip to UK - London, 日與夜
by Meow
2014 UK Trip Day 9: Buckinghem / Westminster Abbey / London Eye / Big Ben / London Bridge
2014 年英國之旅第九天: 白金漢宮 / 西敏寺 / 倫敦眼 / 大笨鐘 / 倫敦橋
I skipped day 8 for some reasons...
There was an accident on my trip day 8 as our train from Oxford to London was cancelled.
I took another train but it took me an extra hour... what an experience!!
After we arrived London, it was already the afternoon.
We went to the Burberry Factory Outlet which the price is quite fare.
I managed to grab a scarf at around HKD$1000 and my bf bought a trench coat at ~HKD$5000.
I can only say fair price but not much stock for us to choose.
Not much to share on day 8 and no nice pictures...
可能您會發現我沒有分享第九天的旅程, 那是因為那天我只去了Burberry Factory Outlet。
那天早上由於天氣, 回倫敦的火車取消了, 我們只好繞路 ><
到達 Burberry 時已經是下午了。
店裡面的款色不多, 但是價錢還是合理。
港幣1000就買到薄領巾, 5000就有男裝的長外套了!!
On day 9, after taking enough rest, we headed to the Buckinghem Palace.
It was not the season for the palace to open to the public yet, so we have no luck to pay a visit.
Here the nearest metro station to the palace - London Victoria Station.
Classy England style =]

Here is the Buckinghem Palace!!
Not as fancy as the Windsor Castle but more elegant.
到了白金漢宮, 很可惜沒有開放 T.T

We were luckily enough to see the guards' march under such a nice weather.

We walked a long way through the St. James' Park to the Downing Street
and the Westminster Abbey.

Downing Street...
Crowded and highly secured.

The Westminster Abbey!!!
The place where the coronations of British monarchs were held.

Inside the cathedral...

Day view of the London eye.
I do think £19 for a ferris wheel ride is too expensive, so I just take pictures of it.
因為£19座一次有點貴, 所以我們只是拍了些照片。

Night came.
I set the tripod at the side of the road for this shot.
Landmark of London - the Big Ben.
特地帶了腳架來拍夜景, 終於可以用喇!!!
這就是倫敦的地標 - 大笨鐘!!

Night view of the London Eye.
It looks like a big "Q".
摩天輪好想一個 「Q」字!
晚上的倫敦眼好漂亮啊 @@

On the way home...
We passed by the famous London Bridge!!
Next to the bridge is the Tower of London.
在回家的路上, 我們路過大名鼎鼎的倫敦橋!!

Viola~ Long sharing with tons of pictures!!
2014 UK Trip Day 9: Buckinghem / Westminster Abbey / London Eye / Big Ben / London Bridge
2014 年英國之旅第九天: 白金漢宮 / 西敏寺 / 倫敦眼 / 大笨鐘 / 倫敦橋
I skipped day 8 for some reasons...
There was an accident on my trip day 8 as our train from Oxford to London was cancelled.
I took another train but it took me an extra hour... what an experience!!
After we arrived London, it was already the afternoon.
We went to the Burberry Factory Outlet which the price is quite fare.
I managed to grab a scarf at around HKD$1000 and my bf bought a trench coat at ~HKD$5000.
I can only say fair price but not much stock for us to choose.
Not much to share on day 8 and no nice pictures...
可能您會發現我沒有分享第九天的旅程, 那是因為那天我只去了Burberry Factory Outlet。
那天早上由於天氣, 回倫敦的火車取消了, 我們只好繞路 ><
到達 Burberry 時已經是下午了。
店裡面的款色不多, 但是價錢還是合理。
港幣1000就買到薄領巾, 5000就有男裝的長外套了!!
On day 9, after taking enough rest, we headed to the Buckinghem Palace.
It was not the season for the palace to open to the public yet, so we have no luck to pay a visit.
Here the nearest metro station to the palace - London Victoria Station.
Classy England style =]

Here is the Buckinghem Palace!!
Not as fancy as the Windsor Castle but more elegant.
到了白金漢宮, 很可惜沒有開放 T.T

We were luckily enough to see the guards' march under such a nice weather.

We walked a long way through the St. James' Park to the Downing Street
and the Westminster Abbey.

Downing Street...
Crowded and highly secured.

The Westminster Abbey!!!
The place where the coronations of British monarchs were held.

Inside the cathedral...

Day view of the London eye.
I do think £19 for a ferris wheel ride is too expensive, so I just take pictures of it.
因為£19座一次有點貴, 所以我們只是拍了些照片。

Night came.
I set the tripod at the side of the road for this shot.
Landmark of London - the Big Ben.
特地帶了腳架來拍夜景, 終於可以用喇!!!
這就是倫敦的地標 - 大笨鐘!!

Night view of the London Eye.
It looks like a big "Q".
摩天輪好想一個 「Q」字!
晚上的倫敦眼好漂亮啊 @@

On the way home...
We passed by the famous London Bridge!!
Next to the bridge is the Tower of London.
在回家的路上, 我們路過大名鼎鼎的倫敦橋!!

Viola~ Long sharing with tons of pictures!!
Sorry for not in the mood for long paragraphs....
Thanks for viewing!!
沒心情寫太多文字, 實在抱歉。
FYI, all the above pictures were taken with my Canon EOS 6D and kit lens 24-105mm F4.
Gros Bisous,

FYI, all the above pictures were taken with my Canon EOS 6D and kit lens 24-105mm F4.
Gros Bisous,

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