Monday, January 12, 2015

# 2014 Trip to UK - 愛丁堡, 一去便愛上 (二)

by Meow

2014 UK Trip Day 3: Edinburgh - Edinburgh Castle / Greyfriars Bobby's Grave...
2014 年英國之旅第三天: 愛丁堡 - 愛丁"堡" / 小狗 Greyfriars Bobby 的墓

After breakfast, we went to the Edinburgh Castle.
Our BnB is a little far from our destination, but you wouldn't feel it when you are in a foreign place.

一覺醒來, 吃過早餐, 我們便出發去愛丁"堡"。
租住的民宿有點遠, 但異國風景不錯, 邊走邊拍照, 不知不覺邊到達了。

Slope is steep, but the view is nice.

路很斜, 但風景很美。


The next step is to pay for entrance. It cost around 16£.

接下來就是, 付錢入場。盛惠16鎊。

Edinburgh is located highly on a hill, we can have a nice glance of the whole city here.

愛丁堡位置居高臨下, 整個城市一覽無違。

The weather of UK is really moody. Suddenly, it became dark.

英國的天氣實在太有個性, 霎時風起雲湧。

This was the prison of Edinburgh; it seems kinda good XD

這個是愛丁堡的監房, 看起來都很不錯 XD

After the castle visit, we went for lunch ♥
This is a pretty cool restaurant; near the castle.
The name of the restaurant is: Devil's Advocate.
We had a pleasant lunch here.
Recommendation: ✮✮✮✮✮ (out of 5).

參觀完愛丁堡, 我們便去吃午餐 ♥
我們去了一間不錯的餐廳,  叫: Devil's Advocate
食物很好, 推薦程度✮✮✮✮✮ (5星為滿)。

The restaurant is a little difficult to find; if you see the Advocate's Close, walk down the stairs!

餐廳位置有點隱密; 假若你看到這個牌匾, 走進去就是了!!

After lunch, we had a random walk in Edinburgh.
吃過飯後, 我們亂逛一通。

We walked pass a graveyard...


Here lies the body of a loyal doggy...
Unlike the Chinese graveyard, it was not spooky at all.


The Elephant House!!! The author of Harry Potter used to write her book here.

這個小小的咖啡館就是哈你波特出生的地方!! (作者經常來這裡創作)

When the sky darkens, we went to a random restaurant and had our dinner...
The next day, we would go to York!!

夜了, 隨便走進一個餐廳便吃了個晚餐...
接著下來, 便是出發去約克的日子!!!

In case you are wondering which is our random restaurant, here it is: CC Blooms.

假若你想知道我們吃晚飯的餐廳; 請按這個: CC Blooms

Thanks for reading my blog!!

All pictures were taken with Canon EOS 6D and kit lens 24-105mm F4.

Gros Bisous,

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