Saturday, February 13, 2016

# 東京 FOODIE - 自由之丘的甜點森林

by Meow

I really love sweet stuff, especially cakes!!
I had visited the Sweets Forest last time and I still decided to go this time.

喵喵我真係好like 食甜嘢, 尤其係蛋糕!!
Sweets Forest 我以經係第二次去了, 每次去東京都要去自由之丘食甜品!!

The desserts were exquisite and delicious (7/10 marks)!!
My eyes were so satisfy by just watching them.

啲甜品真係好精緻, 仲好好味添 (7/10分)!!

Even you don't like sweets, you can still try their delicious salty dishes!!

唔食甜都可以去食咸嘢, 一樣好好味!!

Short sharing...
Thanks for reading my blog!!



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