Tuesday, February 09, 2016
# 去吉祥寺搭貓巴士
by Meow
Today's sharing is regarding my journey to the Ghibli Museum, Mitaka last year.
With a little tip on how to reserve a ticket in Hong Kong.
Actually I am a huge fan of Totoro.
Since I failed to buy a ticket in my last attempt to the museum, I must assure my success this time.
Although Hong Kongers can reserve their ticket through Satellite Travel, it is super difficult to book a ticket.
I was very desperate, then I got my ticket through TaoBao.
The TaoBao shop was very nice that they even sent the tickets directly to the hotel I stayed.
Let's jump right to the topic...
As I booked two 10AM tickets, we had to arrive Mitaka station early.
The real "cat bus" is indeed yellow not even has a tail T.T
今日的分享係我舊年去 [宮崎駿三鷹之森吉卜力美術館] 的遊記。
喵喵我其實係龍友, 唔係相機毒L嗰種 (雖然都係), 係龍貓粉嗰種龍友。
上次去東京失策, 買唔到飛, 所以今次我去東京前講明, 我一定要去搭貓巴士 (`皿´)
雖然話香港人可以喺日航天地買定飛, 但係啲飛仲難卜過羽毛球場!!
絕望的我去了淘寶搵代購, 間鋪仲好到幫我寄埋啲飛去酒店!
條 Link 就喺度喇, 你地隨便攞去駛~
嗰日我神咁早走去三鷹站搭貓巴士去美術館, 因為我買左10AM 飛 (=_=)。
真.貓巴士原來係咁樣的, 貓尾都無條。

Tons of people...

Here are my tickets from TaoBao!!
I was afraid that the tickets were fake, but they are real!! YAY!!!!!
老老豆豆, 喺淘寶代購我真係淆淆地, 不過張飛的 quality 都可以呃得下人嘅~
We can see Monsieur Chat through the windows.

There is a cafe inside the museum.
They serve food using Totoro-bone-china tableware!!
美術館入面有間cafe, 入面啲tableware 全部都印晒龍貓, 仲要係骨瓷嚟架!

A plan view of the museum.

Left: Robot from "Castle in the Sky"
Right: The lane where you can catch the Totoros.
天空之城的機械人, 仲有活捉龍貓的小徑。

I bought a set of Totoro porcelain tea cup... totally bankrupted.
Then we went shopping in Kichijōji.
Walking pass the Inokashira Park...
喵我買了一套骨瓷 杯, 產已破 T皿T。
參觀完吉卜力美術館, 我地就行去吉祥寺行街街。

Kichijōji is famous for the zakka shops; I bought a ton...
吉祥寺好出名賣雜貨, 喵我都掃了一籮野。

I dashed to the donut store when I saw it.
The donut seems very delicious.
行到肚餓, 又見到一間似係幾好食的冬甩店, 喵即刻狗衝入去買番兩甩。

We had another tea in the Franc Franc cafe.
We don't have one in HK.
越食越肚餓, 見到香港無嘅 Franc Franc Cafe, 梗係即刻食多餐。
有得坐靚凳, 又有得食好西, 正呀喂!!!!

Thanks for reading.
大家有無 發現我轉左用廣東話嚟寫 blog 呢?
純粹覺得身為香港人, 應該講番廣東話, 點知廣東話幾時會被消失呢?
如果有幸有台灣 / 中國的朋友路過我的 blog, 那就請將就一下看圖 / 英文了~
Gros Bisous,
Today's sharing is regarding my journey to the Ghibli Museum, Mitaka last year.
With a little tip on how to reserve a ticket in Hong Kong.
Actually I am a huge fan of Totoro.
Since I failed to buy a ticket in my last attempt to the museum, I must assure my success this time.
Although Hong Kongers can reserve their ticket through Satellite Travel, it is super difficult to book a ticket.
I was very desperate, then I got my ticket through TaoBao.
The TaoBao shop was very nice that they even sent the tickets directly to the hotel I stayed.
Let's jump right to the topic...
As I booked two 10AM tickets, we had to arrive Mitaka station early.
The real "cat bus" is indeed yellow not even has a tail T.T
今日的分享係我舊年去 [宮崎駿三鷹之森吉卜力美術館] 的遊記。
喵喵我其實係龍友, 唔係相機毒L嗰種 (雖然都係), 係龍貓粉嗰種龍友。
上次去東京失策, 買唔到飛, 所以今次我去東京前講明, 我一定要去搭貓巴士 (`皿´)
雖然話香港人可以喺日航天地買定飛, 但係啲飛仲難卜過羽毛球場!!
絕望的我去了淘寶搵代購, 間鋪仲好到幫我寄埋啲飛去酒店!
條 Link 就喺度喇, 你地隨便攞去駛~
嗰日我神咁早走去三鷹站搭貓巴士去美術館, 因為我買左10AM 飛 (=_=)。
真.貓巴士原來係咁樣的, 貓尾都無條。

Tons of people...

Here are my tickets from TaoBao!!
I was afraid that the tickets were fake, but they are real!! YAY!!!!!
老老豆豆, 喺淘寶代購我真係淆淆地, 不過張飛的 quality 都可以呃得下人嘅~
We can see Monsieur Chat through the windows.

There is a cafe inside the museum.
They serve food using Totoro-bone-china tableware!!
美術館入面有間cafe, 入面啲tableware 全部都印晒龍貓, 仲要係骨瓷嚟架!

A plan view of the museum.

Left: Robot from "Castle in the Sky"
Right: The lane where you can catch the Totoros.
天空之城的機械人, 仲有活捉龍貓的小徑。

I bought a set of Totoro porcelain tea cup... totally bankrupted.
Then we went shopping in Kichijōji.
Walking pass the Inokashira Park...
喵我買了一套骨瓷 杯, 產已破 T皿T。
參觀完吉卜力美術館, 我地就行去吉祥寺行街街。

Kichijōji is famous for the zakka shops; I bought a ton...
吉祥寺好出名賣雜貨, 喵我都掃了一籮野。

I dashed to the donut store when I saw it.
The donut seems very delicious.
行到肚餓, 又見到一間似係幾好食的冬甩店, 喵即刻狗衝入去買番兩甩。

We had another tea in the Franc Franc cafe.
We don't have one in HK.
越食越肚餓, 見到香港無嘅 Franc Franc Cafe, 梗係即刻食多餐。
有得坐靚凳, 又有得食好西, 正呀喂!!!!

Thanks for reading.
大家有無 發現我轉左用廣東話嚟寫 blog 呢?
純粹覺得身為香港人, 應該講番廣東話, 點知廣東話幾時會被消失呢?
如果有幸有台灣 / 中國的朋友路過我的 blog, 那就請將就一下看圖 / 英文了~
Gros Bisous,

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