Sunday, June 26, 2016

# 散步台北 - 十分 / 九份

by Meow

A series of unfortunate events: I hurt my ankle and it rained.
Anyway, I walked with the pain.
Shifen and Jiufen are famous tourists spots, especially the Shifen Waterfall.
Such a magnificent natural scene which we can't see in HK!

While we were walking towards the waterfall, we saw many lighting their lanterns.
As we love our environment, we didn't mind skipping this activity.

不幸的我, 扭到腳 , 天又下雨 T.T
一場來到台北, 只好忍痛繼續走鹵咯~
十分和九份都是很著名的旅遊景點, 尤其是十分瀑布。
這麼壯觀的自然景象, 可是香港沒有的啊!

步向瀑布的沿途, 有很多人放天燈...
但鑒於環保, 愛惜自然的關係, 不放也無妨。

Lovely lovely bridge.


Here we are!!


It was already night when we arrived Jiufen.
AND it was pouring cats and dogs.


Back to Taipei; we went to the Raohe Night Market for supper.

回到台北; 我們去了饒河夜市吃宵夜。

Just a short sharing; mostly sharing my pictures.
Hope you like it.
Thanks for reading.

短短的分享; 住要是想把 改好的圖貼出來。


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